New Releases: CyBlock 5.8.7 and Cyfin 7.8.7

I am thrilled to announce that several enhancements were recently made to Wavecrest Computing’s Cyfin and CyBlock products. These include:

New Scalability. The latest versions of CyBlock Proxy and Cyfin Proxy include high-performance scalability. These new scalable multiplexed proxy servers replace the previous thread-based versions, meaning that they can handle large numbers of users and requests. These new versions will:

  • react quicker to new requests
  • minimize resource contention
  • tolerate slow or unresponsive clients and servers more efficiently.

Enhanced Reporting Options. Several enhancements were made to the Web-use reporting features for all products. These include:

  • a new “Last 24 Hours” time frame option
  • the ability to name scheduled reports
  • the ability to enter other email addresses to receive scheduled reports.

Array Configuration. The array feature is now available for blocking policies in the latest version of CyBlock ISA. For full release notes on the products, please visit the forum at Current customers can download the latest release from their product by going to the Administration – Product Update screen.