Tag Archives: usage statistics

CyBlock/Cyfin Release 9.1.3 Now Available

Release 9.1.3 provides our CyBlock Cloud customers with information on their disk storage usage, bandwidth usage, highest number of daily monitored users, and the date on which this occurred. The enhancement is described below.

  • Usage Statistics. The following features have been added:
    • On the Home page, a Usage Statistics section provides customers with usage information, such as their disk storage and bandwidth usage.
    • The Storage field indicates the amount of disk storage used as well as the percentage used based on the reporting storage option set in your customer account.
    • The Bandwidth field shows the amount of bandwidth used for the month.
    • The Peak Users field shows the highest number of daily monitored users for the month and the date on which this occurred.
    • If your storage usage percentage exceeds 90%, a warning will be displayed indicating that usage is critical and to contact Sales.
    • All bandwidth and monitored users data is calculated monthly and is reset at midnight on the first of the month.

There are also corrections in this release for CyBlock as well as Cyfin. To see the full release notes for your product, visit our Web site or knowledge base.

If you are at version 9.0.5 or later, you can upgrade to the latest release by going to the Help – Check for Updates screen in your product.

If you are at version 6.8.3.a or earlier, you can download the latest release by going to CyBlock Software Downloads or Cyfin Downloads. To upgrade CyBlock Appliance, please contact Technical Support at (321) 953-5351, Ext. 4 or support@wavecrest.net.

For additional assistance, please feel free to contact us.