Cyber Monday is no more – in an uncertain economy, post-Thanksgiving online holiday shopping has increased since coined in 2005 and now lasts for one month with more than 50% of all online spending taking place during working hours1. What does this mean for your business? A large decrease in employee productivity, a boost in bandwidth consumption, and one of the most popular times for cybercriminals to attack your secure data.
Lost productivity can mean big bucks for your company, reducing employee output to a mere 60%2. A survey by CareerBuilder states that more than half of the 4,000 respondents polled intend on shopping online while at work with one third of those planning for more than one hour each day, in addition to the two typical hours daily already reported by respondents (time excludes lunch hour and scheduled breaks). If you do not have a Web-use policy or Internet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in place, one is necessary to help report, monitor, and prevent employee Internet abuse in addition to protecting your company from legal liability.
Downloading malware is another risk as employees use the Internet for personal reasons. Spyware and malicious code are big threats to company networks as they can consume bandwidth and compromise security. Recent studies show that company networks are being infected with spyware and malicious code most often through employees surfing the Web; with the holidays increasing that risk, these threats make it imperative for companies to enforce an AUP to protect their networks. Wavecrest Computing suggests that companies monitor and/or filter employee Web use in order to better protect themselves from security threats. In addition to the inherent risks associated with hacking your online security – loss of company reputation, destruction of company data, and the downtime employees face while systems are restored – the costs to mitigate attacks are extraordinary and rising each year. This year, U.S. companies are expected to spend more than triple the costs spent in 20063.
To ensure these threats do not happen to your company this holiday season, run through our checklist and remember to check it twice!
- Install all applicable system and program updates to avoid malware from infiltrating any system frailty that could have easily been patched with an update.
- Create a Web usage policy and clearly communicate it to your employees.
- Be cautious prior to clicking on links to different websites particularly those found on social networking sites as they’re often a hotspot for malware.
- Avoid the use of pirated / illegal software as many contain malware.
- Never open email attachments from unknown senders and make sure to scan attachments you do decide to download.
- Make steps to consistently back up your computer in the case that malware wipes your hard drive clean.
- Monitor servers and security devices 24x7x365 for security issues and require preventative actions be taken on security threats in real time – this is where we come in!
CyBlock can be set up to block Web access by categories and by hour so employees can access shopping sites on their lunch break or after hours. This approach can help sustain morale while minimizing the risks associated with online shopping. With Cyfin, you can monitor employees’ Web use to ensure that Web-use policies are followed or that unwanted spyware or malware is not downloaded as a result. Let us guide you to a safer, more reliable, robust security solution with exceptional support at an unbeatable price!
2 https://www.wavecrest.net/editorial/costsavings.html