Tag Archives: filter settings

New Half-Hour Filtering In CyBlock

If you haven’t seen it yet, in the latest version of CyBlock 6.3.1, scheduled filtering has changed from hourly to half hour. This means that you can select to allow a category from 12:00 – 12:30pm instead of the full hour 12:00 – 1:00pm.

You can make these changes at Advanced Settings – Filter Settings – Block Web Categories. Simply click on the clock icon that appears when you select the “block” radio button and select the times you want to block and allow the category.

If you have not upgraded your product to the latest version of CyBlock, you may do so by going to Administration – Product Update screen.

Remember to Set Block Policies for New Custom Categories

When you create a custom category at the Advanced Settings — Category Setup — Custom Categories screen, the custom category is automatically set to ‘allow’ in all of your block policies.  So anybody will be able to access the sites listed in the newly created custom category.  If you want to block the sites in this category for some or all filter policies, be sure to go to the Advanced Settings — Filter Settings — Block Web Categories screen and set the policies to ‘block’.

How Much Personal Internet Surfing in the Workplace is Too Much?

It depends on what your organization considers “acceptable.” Research shows that the average person spends around one hour per day on non-work related internet surfing.   It also shows that the majority of viruses enter via Internet surfing.

Wavecrest’s Cyfin and CyBlock products are configurable to fit your organization’s acceptable use policy. You can set acceptability ratings and visit thresholds to each category.  To set acceptability ratings, go to the Advanced Settings – Category Settings – Classification screen in your product.

With CyBlock you can select to “block” or “allow” each category and configure blocking by hour on the Advanced Settings – Filter Settings – Block Web Categories screen.  You can also configure real-time filtering with our deep packet analysis for content types and file extensions on the Advanced Settings – Filter Settings – Block Web Content screen in your CyBlock product.

Read more about personal surfing in the workplace on Business Blogs.