Wavecrest Technical Support Is Here to Help You

We often get great feedback on our helpful technical support from both customers or those simply evaluating our product. For those of you that have not had the pleasure of working with our technical support yet, we want to invite you to contact us about any questions you have on your CyBlock or Cyfin product.  You can check out our services and contact information below. And of course we’re here for those of you that we have had the pleasure of helping in the past.

At Wavecrest, we listen to our customers, and the majority of the new features that show up in our products have come from communications with our customers.  Our customers are the most valuable asset we have, and we appreciate every single one of you.  Thank You!

We invite those of you that have used our support services in the past to leave a comment about your experience.  We’d love the feedback.

Wavecrest Technical Support Services

  • Support via Telephone and Email. Technical and customer support representatives are available to answer questions about product setup, policy support usage, technical issues and more—via phone or email at no cost.
  • Product Installation Support. Although our products are easy to install and integrate, a technical specialist will be available to help you ensure a smooth startup.
  • Quick Start guides. Each product includes a built-in “Quick Start” guide that walks you through basic setup and usage steps. Complete user manuals are also provided.
  • Online Support Forum. Ask a question and find answers from other product users and our own technical support specialists on the forum.
  • Blog, Twitter or Facebook Updates. Get product tech tips and keep up-to-date on the latest product news by either subscribing to our feed or following us.
  • Product Upgrades. Product upgrades are included in the cost of your annual license.
  • On-line Web Conference. This valuable customer communications tool enables our Support staff to more easily and quickly address any product-related questions, provide assistance with setup and/or troubleshoot technical issues. We also use it to demonstrate the product and provide product evaluators a better understanding of the functionality.
  • Categorization list updates. Updates to Wavecrest’s URL list are available for download on a daily basis.
  • The OtherWise Program (Reports Enhancement and Optimization).  The centerpiece of our continuous support services concept is a program we call “OtherWise.”  Under this voluntary and confidential arrangement, we work individually with customers to maximize the number and percentage of Web sites that the Wavecrest product identifies and categorizes. The program focuses on sites that are of particular interest to the individual organization and/or are popular with its workforce.

Contact Information
Toll-free: 877-442-9346, ext 4(U.S. and Canada)
Direct: 321-953-5351, ext 4
International:001-321-953-5351, ext 4 (outside U.S. and Canada)
Email: support@wavecrest.net
Forum: forum.wavecrest.net

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