Tag Archives: bing

CyBlock/Cyfin Release 9.2.0.a Now Available

We recently released a new version of CyBlock and Cyfin. This release contains the following corrections:


  • Using Application Controls, allowed YouTube videos now load properly with secure YouTube connections.
  • When Safe Search and SSL Inspection are enabled, adult content is now properly blocked in Bing search results.

CyBlock and Cyfin

  • The Compress Reports for E-Mail report option now works when only one report is e-mailed.
  • On the Data Management – Report Database – Delete – Schedule screen, the correct message is displayed when the Enable option is selected.
  • Logon accounts are no longer limited to five accounts.

To see the full release notes for your product, visit our Web site or knowledge base.

If you are at version 9.0.5 or later, you can upgrade to the latest release by going to the Help – Check for Updates screen in your product.

If you are at version 6.8.3.a or earlier, you can download the latest release by going to CyBlock Software Downloads or Cyfin Downloads. To upgrade CyBlock Appliance, please contact Technical Support at (321) 953-5351, Ext. 4 or support@wavecrest.net.

For additional assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Using Safe Search With Secure Sites

With our CyBlock Safe Search feature enabled, you can force the Bing, Google, and Yahoo! search engines to use the “strict” Safe Search setting on search result pages. This ensures that adult content will be filtered from your search results. To check that Safe Search is enabled, go to the Advanced Settings – Filter Settings screen and click the Block Search Terms link. The Safe Search Status indicator should be green. If it is red (disabled), click it once. When enabled, CyBlock will reset search engines to Safe Search even if users change the setting in the search engine.

To enforce Safe Search when performing search queries using a secure connection (https://) to Bing, Google, or Yahoo! and Safe Search is enabled, SSL Inspection has to be turned on for the categories in which these search engine sites reside. By default, this category is Search Engines. To enable SSL Inspection, go to Advanced Settings – Proxy Settings and click the SSL Inspection link. Select your groups and/or IDs and categories including any custom categories that contain these search engine sites. Adult content will then be filtered from search results.

For additional assistance, please contact Technical Support at (321) 953-5351, Ext. 4 or support@wavecrest.net.

Enforce Safe Search in Google, Yahoo and Bing with CyBlock

If you haven’t already done so, check out the safe search feature in your CyBlock Proxy, CyBlock Appliance or CyBlock ISA product. With this feature, you can force Google, Yahoo and Bing to strictly use Safe Search. To enable it, go to the Advanced Settings – Filter Settings – Safe Search screen, check the enable box and hit Submit. When enabled, the product will reset search engines to “safe search” even if users change the preference in the search engine. This will block Web pages containing explicit sexual content from appearing in search results.

Note: Safe Search is available only in Versions 6.0.0 and later.

Filter Pornography Video in Bing with CyBlock

Pornography videos in Bing can now easily be blocked with your CyBlock Proxy or CyBlock ISA product.  The explicit URLs allowing access to these videos have been added to the latest Wavecrest URL list download.  If you do not have your product set up to automatically download the URL list daily, you can manually download the latest list update by going to Administration – URL List – Manual.

To block pornography in Bing, simply make sure the Pornography category is set to “Block” on the Advanced Settings – Filter Settings – Block Web Categories screen for your users, and they will no longer be able to view porn in the video search results.