Author Archives: admin

20 Years Young and Excited About the Next 20!


We are proud to announce that Wavecrest Computing has reached a pretty big milestone…its 20th anniversary! It has been a path we have happily taken with innovative products and a dedicated staff, many of which have been with us since the beginning. We would also like to thank you…our customers, partners, and followers for sharing this journey and challenging us to be constantly reaching for the stars…or the cloud, as the case may be! Here is to an exciting next 20 years where we will remain “at your side” securing your growing, distributed, and agile workforce.

Since 1996, Wavecrest Computing has been a global leader in employee Web-access security and Web-use monitoring and analytics solutions, with scalable filtering and reporting analysis, forensic data tools, and products designed to enable organizations with today’s distributed workforce to successfully address cyber threats. Wavecrest’s CyBlock and Cyfin solutions are built with today’s unique business in mind, offering comprehensive cloud services management and visibility into Shadow IT and insider threats, as well addressing legal liability, workforce productivity, and Web security threats such as malware and phishing attempts. We offer multiple deployments that include Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud, Hybrid, Software, and Hardware deployments that fit any business type or size. Wavecrest Computing is headquartered in Melbourne, Florida and is a longstanding GSA contract holder.

For more information on the company, products, and partners, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

MSP: Manage Client Bandwidth and Cloud Services

Are unsanctioned cloud services using up all of your clients’ bandwidth? As a managed service provider (MSP) today, knowing your client’s cloud services usage is crucial. Cloud services can range from acceptable collaboration tools to unsanctioned personal usage apps that waste critical bandwidth. Most businesses run cloud services to be able to communicate & collaborate more efficiently. Employees, though, tend to find apps that suit their needs best, even when unsanctioned. Help your clients by finding & managing their bandwidth and cloud services with Wavecrest’s CyBlock.

CyBlock Cloud Services Right Here on the Space Coast


Wavecrest Computing, a leading provider of advanced Web security and Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) solutions, introduces a new cloud services location right here on the Space Coast.

As a successful Space Coast-based business since 1996, Wavecrest is proud to help local businesses keep mission-critical cloud service applications, and more, running smoothly and securely, on or off premises, with CyBlock Cloud service now located within TerraCom Direct’s secure, Tier 3 purpose-built facility in Melbourne.

“The ability to centrally manage policies and activities is crucial for enterprises that want to make strategic use of cloud services while still controlling their users’ activities. End users, MSPs, and resellers now have the opportunity to manage their cloud services locally, with professionals from their community and within an environment that is comprehensive and secure. In today’s world, it is almost impossible to find experts in a company’s own backyard.” Dennis McCabe, CEO, Wavecrest Computing.

Wavecrest’s CyBlock Cloud and CyBlock Hybrid provide security policy enforcement points placed between cloud service users and cloud applications to combine and interject enterprise security policies as the cloud-based resources are accessed. These points provide cloud service visibility, threat prevention, data protection, and regulatory compliance by finding anomalies, user activity, or threats, such as unsanctioned cloud services use, unnecessary data sprawl, and underused or unused cloud services. CyBlock provides data loss protection, analytics of usage behaviors, automated alerting and reporting, and easy-to-use policy management tools including filtering and bandwidth management.

CyBlock is designed to fit all types and sizes of businesses. End users will see efficiency and productivity increase while protecting the company’s interests and network data. MSPs will find a proactive and agile Cloud Access Security Broker solution that will provide the visibility and control to take care of clients with minimal time and effort. Increase profits, growth, and service quality while knowing that a local team of experts is here to help. Find out more at

About Wavecrest Computing

Wavecrest Computing, headquartered in historic downtown Melbourne, FL, has provided commercial business and government clients with reliable, accurate Web-use management  and Cloud Access Security Broker products since 1996. Managed Service Providers, IT specialists, HR professionals, and business managers trust Wavecrest’s Cyfin and CyBlock products to manage employee Internet usage — managing cloud services, reducing liability risks, improving productivity, saving bandwidth, and controlling costs. Wavecrest has clients worldwide, including General Electric, Lockheed Martin, Florida Department of Health, Siemens, Department of Homeland Security, and a growing list of global enterprises and government agencies. For more information on the company, products, and partners, visit

Since the holidays are about good cheer, don’t be a grinch this year!

CyBer Monday

The holiday shopping season is fast approaching once again. Every year, more and more people use online shopping for the majority of their purchases. Is your business ready for the online shopping that your employees will likely do during business hours? Is your bandwidth ready to make sure your mission-critical applications take priority?

Cyber Monday will come up faster than you think, but that is only one day of online shopping. Cyber Monday 2014 ranked as the heaviest online buying day that year with $2.038 billion in desktop spending, but the day after Cyber Monday wasn’t far behind, ranking second for the season at $1.796 billion. It doesn’t even stop there! On the second Monday in December (Green Monday), online buying was $1.615 billion! These are all regular business days! And each year the amount of time and money spent online shopping increases! The whole season is about shopping for those important to us, and employees are going to try to get online to grab the best deals no matter what day, or time of day, it is.

Since the holidays are about good cheer, don’t be a grinch this year. Find ways to satisfy all your business and employee needs. Give your employees the gift of online shopping time during this holiday season, while making sure your IT team receives the gift of proactively throttling bandwidth for noncritical applications when needed.

Wavecrest Computing has been the recognized leader in Web Security for over 19 years with CyBlock and Cyfin Solutions. These scalable filtering and forensic reporting analysis products are designed to enable organizations to successfully address Internet abuse, legal liability, shadow IT, workforce productivity, and Web security threats. FREE bandwidth audit available!

The Tip of the Spear . . . Phishing


Spear phishing has become a leading way hackers gain access to business systems and data. They use natural human familiarity as the weakness. You receive an e-mail from an executive within your company. Will you take the time to second guess the sender? Will you hesitate clicking a link or an attachment that is deemed important by this person? Likely not. Even those who know the risks and precautions may easily fall victim to this type of hack. It thrives on the information that is already available to the hacker. They find out enough about you to make the e-mail not only look like it is from someone you know, but also include information within the e-mail that will reinforce this familiarity, such as referring to a project or another team member.

For a business to try and fight against this type of hack, employee communication is important. In 2014, 56% of those polled by Dark Reading cited “lack of employee awareness” as the most dangerous social engineering threat to organizations. Consistent training and constant communication will give employees the tools to proactively question an e-mail they receive.

Avoiding the most obvious risk should be lesson number one. No matter who the e-mail is from, even the CEO of the company, make sure employees know not to give out information such as passwords or business account numbers. They should question and verify the e-mail when this type of information is requested at any time. You can no longer trust an obvious phishing sign like a request from a foreign national looking for money. Spear phishing takes the extra effort to look past the initial information in the e-mail into the overall intention.

As always, make sure your employees know to think before clicking a URL or downloading any files. Today, malicious attachments come in all types, not just .exe files, and URLs may lead them to a Web site that looks legit but is actually a phishing site that will then request confidential information, such as logon credentials. It is easy to verify a domain or run a scan on an attachment, so users should know the necessary steps of verification.

Lastly, recommend that your company take precautions when it comes to cybersecurity. Instead of large, all-in-one product add-on tools that just give you a small, top-level view of activity, recommend that your company use the most targeted security tools available. To mitigate security risks, this should include the ability to proactively block malicious URLs, discover and analyze Shadow IT and cloud services, and supply comprehensive drill-down reporting on Web-access activity for your entire distributed workforce.

Wavecrest Computing has been the recognized leader in Web Security for over 19 years with CyBlock and Cyfin Solutions. These scalable filtering and forensic reporting analysis products are designed to enable organizations to successfully address Internet abuse, legal liability, shadow IT, workforce productivity, and Web security threats. FREE bandwidth audit available!

CyBlock Cloud service is now in a service location near you!


We are excited to announce that we are expanding our reach! We have always prided ourselves on providing premium service to our customers no matter where they are located but now, with our new Canada location and U.K. location, we can bring you improved and efficient access to CyBlock Cloud and CyBlock Hybrid services! Start covering your remote users or satellite offices, or move all your users to CyBlock Cloud! No matter what type of distributed workforce you have, we can help.

CyBlock Cloud provides all the agile and comprehensive capabilities of CyBlock with filtering, reporting, cloud services management, real-time monitoring, bandwidth management, threat protection, and more, all in a deployment requiring no hardware or software to buy and install, and no maintenance!

CyBlock Hybrid will give you coverage for your remote users and satellite offices while your main office is covered with an on-site CyBlock Software installation, both managed with one convenient administration console.

Find out more about our CyBlock Cloud and Hybrid deployments, and our new Canada and U.K. service locations by calling 321-953-5351, Ext. 3. Request a FREE TRIAL today!!

Ex-user credentials haunting your network?

insider_threat“Joe” left two weeks ago. Are his user credentials still appearing active? Maybe because IT is backed up on “offboarding?” Or, maybe they don’t even know he is gone yet!

According to a survey done by Lieberman Software, “More than 13% can still access a previous employers’ systems using their old credentials.” This means the information that “Joe” had access to as a privileged employee, is still available…to him…right now…from outside the company. And most likely, many have that access for a rather long period of time. “Almost 25% work in organizations that do not change their service and process account passwords within 90 days,” stated the Lieberman Software survey. In the days of paper, it didn’t seem to matter that an old employee’s name still showed as a project manager on a document. Nowadays, this can not only cause confusion, it can pose serious risks to the company’s data, network, and reputation. Most employees or contractors do not pose a threat, but it is that one that you may miss that will have access to material with devastating consequences. reported the following example in 2014 on the sentencing of an ex-contractor gaining access to Toyota’s systems:  “…caused considerable downtime or loss of functionality with a number of systems, affecting the most, according to court documents. Several and internal applications did not work properly or shut down for hours, according to the affidavit.”

Many companies are so busy with other tasks and decisions, the simple cleanup of the obvious things go unnoticed. We all have so many different access points to so many different applications today, that keeping track ourselves is overwhelming, but IT has to keep track of everyone’s access. Communication is the number one task to protect a company from data loss or threat risk. Tell IT–they can’t purge the system and protect the company if they are not kept informed. Today, IT is one of the most important departments for the functionality, security… lifeblood…of an organization. They should be first on the list. With access to comprehensive monitoring and reporting tools, IT can run a investigative query on demand.

What needs to be done to help protect your privileged information and network no matter where your data is located? The following should be at the top of the list:

  1. Make sure your internal process of employee onboarding and offboarding has IT included at all levels.
  2. Make sure your corporate policy is understood and signed off on when an employee is hired and again when discharged.
  3. Confirm that this policy clearly informs all employees that their actions, while using company devices, are logged, monitored, and audited.
  4. Verify that all users, including contractors, have their own, unique login credentials.
  5. Validate that your IT procedures include all levels of employee information access, especially privileged accounts.
  6. Make certain a corporate policy for discharging an employee has immediate impact on any access for that employee, even one day could be detrimental.
  7. Do not forget about social media. Many view this as a harmless side effect of today’s business world. It is not harmless. A disgruntled employee can do serious damage to a company’s reputation through this ever-increasing communication channel. Access to the company’s social media needs to be regulated just like any proprietary corporate network.

Lastly, audit…audit…audit. Use a comprehensive monitoring tool with detailed, drill-down capability to analyze data on any activity. It is always good practice to regularly screen for activity on users who are no longer with the company. Investigate any missed credentials and correct the issue before data loss, malware intrusion, or simple unethical behavior, such as accessing and posting on the company social media sites, happens. This is the only way to ensure that all avenues were covered. Today, monitoring, filtering, and reporting solutions are no longer a luxury–they are a requirement.

Wavecrest Computing has been the recognized leader in Web Security for over 19 years with CyBlock and Cyfin Solutions. These scalable filtering and forensic reporting analysis products are designed to enable organizations to successfully address Internet abuse, legal liability, shadow IT, workforce productivity, and Web security threats.

Wavecrest, the leader in Web security, and Check Point have announced a partnership.

CF_Full_FWavecrest Computing, a leading global provider of advanced Web security solutions, and Check Point Software Technologies have announced a technology partnership.

Wavecrest’s Cyfin, along with Check Point log files, efficiently and accurately make for an easy-to-manage, cost-effective log file analyzer and reporter. This integration easily addresses collection and analysis of Web-use activity data by producing rapid, accurate, and actionable, manager-ready reports for audits, investigations, or distribution. Predefined reports, such as top users or sites, bandwidth, legal liability detail, and user audit detail, as well as the benefit for managers to run selected user reports by department, provide visibility into every aspect of enterprise Web-use activity. Learn more at:

Wavecrest Computing announces CyBlock Hybrid’s new reporting features.


Wavecrest Computing announces new reporting features are now available in the CyBlock Hybrid deployment. Reporting features, Real-Time Monitor and Dashboard Charts, can easily be accessed for both your CyBlock Cloud and local  CyBlock configurations. This enhancement allows the customer to easily monitor and develop reports on users, both local and remote.

Use Real-Time Monitor to see remote users’ current Web activity, or use Dashboard Charts to check on- or off-premises Web traffic trending by users, groups, categories, or denied and allowed traffic. Run a report for management or an audit that can include cloud, local, or all configurations. The new features proactively increase your administration capabilities while reducing the time you spend on Web management tasks.

The CyBlock Hybrid deployment is used when an on-site CyBlock installation is paired with CyBlock Cloud to provide coverage of remote users with the convenience of local administration for all users. Contact us for more information today!

Constantly improving, developing, and enhancing to make your Web security more efficient, Wavecrest Computing has been the recognized leader in Web Security Solutions for over 19 years. Wavecrest’s scalable filtering and forensic reporting analysis product lines, CyBlock and Cyfin, are designed to enable organizations to successfully address Internet abuse, legal liability, shadow IT, workforce productivity, malware, and many other Web security threats.

Cloud Hybrid Reporting
CyBlock Cloud – Hybrid Report


Another exciting new enhancement from Wavecrest…Cyfin Automatic Log File Detection!

Wavecrest Computing is excited to announce a new enhancement to our Cyfin Log File Analyzer Solution, Automatic Log File Detection. This enhancement allows for the easy setup and import of log files by automatically analyzing and matching the closest suitable log file types. You no longer have to worry about making sure you select the correct log file type manually before importing. All you have to do is locate your log file and select. Cyfin Automatic Log File Detection will display a short list of matches with sample data in fields, allowing you to select from the list the best log file type ensuring you are getting the best match available.

Constantly improving, developing and enhancing, to make your Web security more efficient, Wavecrest Computing has been the recognized leader in Web Security Solutions for over 19 years. Wavecrest’s scalable filtering and forensic reporting analysis product lines, CyBlock and Cyfin, are designed to enable organizations to successfully address Internet abuse, legal liability, shadow IT, workforce productivity, Malware, and many other Web security threats.

automatic logfile analysis