Author Archives: admin

Can you see your enterprise shadow IT?

shadow-it-300x171Can you? It’s there…hidden on your employees’ devices and on your network. We all know people try to use the path of least resistance in getting something done. Today, cloud computing allows us all to do almost anything from anywhere with relatively no resistance at all. Within corporations though, this can become a problem commonly known as shadow IT. “There are an astonishing 10,000 cloud services available on the market today, which creates a growing problem for IT around Shadow IT as only 9.3 percent of those apps meet enterprise data, security and legal requirements, cloud security company Skyhigh Networks found in its Q1 2015 Cloud Adoption and Risk Report.” Corporations need to control their proprietary information, network, and Web security. While employees may be thinking they can get their job done faster, the corporation is thinking about threats. “The result is technologies that empower individuals and teams limit the organisation as a whole.”

There are several views for this, all valuable. From the employees’ view, they believe they are finding ways to be more productive and efficient by using technology that is easily accessible and likely, not costing the corporation anything additional. It is quick and easy and can get the job done before the IT department would even have a chance to look at a request form. So, why would the corporation be upset? Here’s why–unauthorized applications, or shadow IT, can cause serious risks, such as Malware, data loss, and other severe network security concerns. As the responsible party, IT needs to know what is happening, especially when it comes to the random unauthorized applications users are bringing into the network.

What can be done? Which view holds more importance? That depends on your organization but gathering the information to make that decision can be quick and easy. You need total visibility into Web use so you can find and analyze any potential shadow IT. Proactive, comprehensive reporting of all Web-use activity allows a full view of users’ activities. IT and management need to see detailed drill-down activity per user, per group, or per category, and determine if the “shadow” application is to be quarantined, or discover the application is actually useful to the organization as a whole and add to the acceptable applications list.

It is important to take into consideration the employees’ need to have access to useful and contemporary tools. No post, article, or news story can tell you what to do within your organization. Only you know what will best suit your environment. Try collaboration though, between users, management, and IT. The key is to find the most useful applications and move toward applications that work, with the best interest of the overall corporation at heart.

Wavecrest Computing has been the recognized leader in Web Security for over 19 years with CyBlock and Cyfin Solutions. These scalable filtering and forensic reporting analysis products are designed to enable organizations to successfully address Internet abuse, legal liability, shadow IT, workforce productivity, and Web security threats.

Are you willing to stake your business’ success and security on another commercial buyout by a federal contractor?

buyoutWe have all heard about the Websense acquisition–Raytheon bringing Websense into the Raytheon Cyber Products fold. It is big news for a defense contractor like Raytheon to make such an acquisition in the commercial market. Many times though, this strategy of a government contractor getting into the commercial business world backfires. For current Websense customers, this risk would hurt you the most.

As a Websense customer, are you prepared to take this risk? Are you concerned that your business may not fit into the Goliath corporate mentality, or about the potential for government-level new pricing or contractual terms? These changes may happen faster than you think, or they may drag on forever with you never knowing what will come up or when.

With a positive SMB mentality, Wavecrest strongly believes in one-on-one communication with our prospects, customers, and partners.  When you reach out to us, we have a human being on the other end of the line that knows the product well, communicates well, and will take the extra step to get your enterprise and employees secure. You don’t have to go through automated calls, ticketing, or several levels of technical support to reach the person with the knowledge you need.

Wavecrest also has the products you require–agile and reliable solutions for your Web Security needs, ranging from software and hardware deployments to cloud and hybrid deployments. No matter your business size, industry, or distributed workforce, Wavecrest has a solution for you.

Leave the government contractor-level pricing, contractual terms, and confusion behind. Don’t become another ticket number. Let Wavecrest focus on your business and your specific requirements. Talk to us today.

Raw log file download capability is now available for CyBlock Software, CyBlock Appliance, and CyBlock Cloud.

bigdatakeyWavecrest keeps increasing and enhancing the capabilities of CyBlock to provide more efficiency and ease-of-use features–all so that you can concentrate more on your mission-critical operations. Our newest enhancement to CyBlock Software, CyBlock Appliance, and CyBlock Cloud allows you to download and view raw log files collected with CyBlock. Quickly downloaded through Data Management’s Log Data Source, it is stress-free to access your organization’s Internet-usage big data information. The log files are compressed and combined into a ZIP file to be downloaded to a location of your choice, for potential future use in forensic investigations, required log file storage, or per your enterprise’s employee security policy. Log file selections can be chosen for downloading one day or a range of days making it easy to focus on exactly what you need.

Raw log file download is just another way Wavecrest supports your need for easy access to detailed organizational Internet-usage security information, To find out more about Wavecrest and our Web Security Solutions, visit

Export Web-use data in CSV format for external analysis with Wavecrest’s Audit Data Export.

Import-wizard-overviewWhen it comes to Web-use data, organizations need easy and flexible access to protect their network, their users, and their company. Management or IT may need to externally analyze or manipulate the data due to events such as audits or incident investigations. Wavecrest has made it easy to export details of users’ Web activity, in one or more categories, with our Audit Data Export in Version 9.1.6 of Cyfin and CyBlock Software.

Is management requesting usage data on gambling sites for analysis by an external forensic data team? Or are they interested in social media and shopping usage for performance evaluations or audits? The administrator can easily select a time frame and one or more categories, run the report manually or set it to run automatically, and export a file in CSV format. Every visit made by a user is listed separately in chronological order and includes the user name, IP address, category, date/time, Web site, and full URL. The exported file can then be imported into, or opened with, most text-ready external applications, such as relational databases or spreadsheets, as needed for analysis. Cyfin customers also have available the export selection of a single log file configuration or all log file configurations.

To find out more about this feature and all of our products, visit:

Prioritize network traffic and increase network QoS with CyBlock Bandwidth Management.

In the current Internet-connected enterprise, constant and rapid changes require IT to have proactive control over the organization’s bandwidth. Many organizations now allow the use of tools such as DropBox, social media, and streaming, as well as BYOD use for, and during, business operations. The idea is to use these tools for business productivity. But then combine this with any personal use of these tools, or other services, and you have a bandwidth drain on the company network. For an IT administrator, this holds many more challenges in how to make sure priorities are set for bandwidth. With CyBlock’s Bandwidth Management feature, we can help you battle bandwidth hogs, improving your network QoS and keeping your mission-critical operations running smoothly!

Learn more:


The all-in-one, enterprise class, Web Security hardware solution

The all-in-one, enterprise class, Web Security hardware solution, CyBlock Appliance, now available with local logging and reporting, can be easily paired with a CyBlock Cloud account as a Hybrid deployment, extending Web filtering and monitoring to your off-premises employees!

applianceLGet instant real-time information and proactive, reliable control over your network’s Internet users. CyBlock Appliance, the leading, turn-key, gateway appliance solution for Web-access Security, provides ease-of-use setup, configuration, and management at your fingertips! And now, you no longer have to worry about any remote logging that would require an external server or appliance. CyBlock Appliance now supports local logging and reporting!

The benefits of CyBlock Appliance are many, and your administrative choices are extensive. With minimal time and effort, the Appliance is up and running. Choose to use the Appliance as a proxy to monitor all your selected HTTP/S traffic, or inline, “transparent” to add the control and monitoring of P2P, torrents, IM, and e-mail, as well as public access Wi-Fi areas. Either configuration gives you granular controls, drill-down reporting, filtering, real-time monitoring, bandwidth throttling, as well as reducing risks of malware and data loss–your options are endless. CyBlock Appliance will proactively support all your organization’s Web-use needs fast and efficiently, without the need for constant administration.

Remote or mobile users? Safeguard all networks and employees in the organization. Add CyBlock Hybrid! Using CyBlock Appliance and CyBlock Cloud, the Hybrid deployment secures your additional remote and mobile employees so there is no need to route traffic back to the main office. All policies are managed from a single interface and sync automatically. Free up local server bandwidth and be assured that Web filtering for these users is occurring in the cloud with CyBlock Hybrid!

For more information, visit: Wavecrest Computing

Proactively synchronize your organization’s internal AD with CyBlock Directory Agent.


Changes in your Active Directory (AD) can happen often, and randomly. Whether it is due to changes in a group or an update to the status of an employee, having your workforce change can be a critical security concern if not addressed immediately. Wavecrest CyBlock Cloud customers can now import and schedule automatic updates for any changes to your organization’s AD Groups and IDs, using the CyBlock Directory Agent. There is no need to manually recreate groups and IDs for the cloud service. The features also include a configuration wizard for easy AD setup, the ability to add only new data from AD or replace all groups and IDs, and the ability to view your list of groups and IDs to verify the imported grouping structure. Configuration is easy to implement, and confirmation e-mails are sent to verify the import. With CyBlock Directory Agent, you will know that your changes have been synced, per your schedule or manually at any time, with your CyBlock Cloud account.

CyBlock Cloud Web Security Solution provides comprehensive Web controls, threat protection, reporting, bandwidth management, and more — all in a deployment requiring no hardware or software to buy and install, and no maintenance. Find out more about all the Web Security product lines at Wavecrest Computing.


Into the Madness of March…brackets, bandwidth, malware, and all.

BracketMarch Madness begins on March 17th this year. We all know that employees check out highlights or even stream a whole game. According to Turner Sports’ Will Funk’s interview with AdWeek,Turner did 70 million live streams on broadband and mobile during March Madness 2014. That is a lot of streaming. With all the streaming and new apps that are out since last year, 2015 will likely set another record.

This year, have the choice to allow your employees some freedom to watch and enjoy! CyBlock Web Security Solutions will help protect your business, blocking sites known for malware and proactively controlling bandwidth consumption, while allowing responsible viewing.

With Wavecrest’s Bandwidth Management in CyBlock, there are numerous ways to be able to control access when you need to. With Real-Time Data Usage Monitoring, you will be able to easily view current data usage for the entire enterprise, detect unexpected spikes that could indicate excessive data use, or just observe the last 5, 10, or 15 minutes of real-time updates.

You can also make sure the critical business operations remain functioning efficiently, even during the games, by using the Bandwidth Throttling features. Be more restrictive as the noncritical usage gets higher by setting one of the automatically triggered, higher-usage policy thresholds to throttle more or even block. E-mail alerts will keep you informed wherever you are. Once a policy is activated, policy-specific traffic is throttled or blocked, allowing business-critical applications (VoIP, CRM, etc.) to continue operating as needed.

Don’t forget about protecting your company from malware. March Madness search results have had a history of being known for malware in past years, and this year will likely be no different. As your employees search for brackets or results, CyBlock blocks traffic to the constantly growing number of sites that generate and/or promote malware. Keep out viruses, Trojan horses, phishing attacks, and more.

March Madness has become a way of life. Decide how your company will handle the traffic and proactively prepare for it by letting CyBlock help protect and secure your business and your employees. Find out more about all the Web Security product lines at Wavecrest Computing.


Keep employees productive and secure while working from mobile devices.

Many times mobile devices are the primary, or only, organizational interface for an employee. With this evolving mobile business environment, it has become critical to protect both the company and the employee. With CyBlock Mobile Security Browser App v2.0, a companion to the easy-to-implement CyBlock Cloud Web Security Solution, you will enable your employees to work efficiently and securely while accessing the Internet on their mobile devices. Easily enforce your company’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) on iOS devices by defining one or more Web-use policies to successfully address Web security threats, Internet abuse, legal liability, and workforce productivity.

CyBlock Mobile Security Browser App’s Version 2.0 adds many exciting enhancements, such as support for iPhone 6/6 Plus, customizable Web blocking messages, and connection status alerts. Easily enforce your company’s AUP on iOS devices. Learn more about Wavecrest products:

CyBlock Mobile Security App Block Message

CyBlock Mobile Security App Block Message



Keep Mission-Critical Applications Running Smoothly

bandwdithKeep mission-critical applications running smoothly with Bandwidth Management in CyBlock Cloud, including Wavecrest’s exclusive Web content category level throttling or blocking capability.

Even with corporate Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs), the majority of an organization’s Web traffic is often operating unchecked, opening the entire network up to bandwidth hogs, productivity-draining activity, and security risks. With Bandwidth Management in CyBlock Cloud, easily create user-defined policies and configure multiple-usage thresholds to dynamically trigger caps.

As a business that understands the necessity, or just desirability, of employees’ access to the Internet, do you worry about when there is too much nonessential Web activity? Maybe Facebook or Pandora is clogging your bandwidth? Wavecrest has the solution that can help specifically target and throttle Web content category-based traffic, such as social networking or audio streaming. With Bandwidth Management in CyBlock, gain the ability to allow access, but be more restrictive as the usage gets higher by setting one of your higher usage thresholds to throttle more or completely block nonessential categories or user groups.  Set e-mail alerts to keep you informed wherever you are, knowing that your defined policies are automatically triggered and proactively taking care of the issue. Once a policy is activated, policy-specific traffic is throttled or blocked, allowing business-critical applications (VoIP, CRM, etc.) to continue operating as needed.

Now including Bandwidth Management, CyBlock Cloud provides comprehensive Web controls, threat protection, reporting, simplified management, and more — all in a deployment requiring no hardware or software to buy and install, and no maintenance.


Wavecrest has a solution for virtually every configuration. Learn more: